Summer Schools, Blended* Programs, …

The Summer Schools and Blended Programs are fantastic opportunities to enjoy an international experience, whether or not you have completed an Erasmus program. Below, you find a list with some proposals for these courses.

It should be noted that although sometimes some courses report on the equalization of ECTS credits, it is not foreseen that these programs will be validated by credits at the GSME at JGU. However, in some cases the achievements may be recorded under 'Sonstige Leistungen'.

It is possible to get a scholarship: Santander Scholarship (

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Die Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und Aktualität, sondern enthält nur die Informationen, die wir zum Thema Summer School, Blended Programs, ... erhalten haben.

* Blended:
Lerneinheit, die aus einem Aufenthalt vor Ort an einer Partnerhochschule und einer virtuellen Phase besteht, wie z.B. BIP - Blended Intensive Programs.